Our Dog Behavioral Training
Program in Denver, Co

Does your dog have behavioral issues that are causing stress or frustration?

You could be a great fit for our Behavioral Training Program, where we transform challenging canine behaviors into lifelong good habits. Our dedicated team of certified trainers specializes in understanding and addressing the unique needs of each dog, and using reinforcement techniques that foster trust and respect. Whether your furry friend is struggling with anxiety, aggression, or any other behavioral issue, we are here to help them become a well-behaved and happy member of your family. Discover how our personalized approach and expert guidance can make a lasting difference in your dog's life.

Who is this program for?

Our Behavioral Training Program is ideal for dog owners who are facing challenges with their pet's behavior and are seeking the best of the best in professional dog training to resolve these issues fast, with results that last. Whether you're dealing with a newly adopted puppy displaying early signs of anxiety or an adult dog with long-standing behavioral problems, our program is designed to accommodate all ages and breeds. New Dog Owners: Gain essential skills and knowledge to ensure your puppy grows into a well-mannered adult. Rescue Dog Parents: Help your rescue dog adjust to their new home and overcome any past traumas. Busy Families: Save time and reduce stress by addressing behavioral issues quickly and effectively. Experienced Owners: Even seasoned dog owners can face unexpected challenges; our program offers advanced techniques to handle complex behaviors.

Why Behavioral Training Matters

Investing in behavioral training for your dog is one of the best investments your family can make. Addressing behavior issues in your dog is crucial because the longer these behaviors persist, the more ingrained and challenging they become to correct. Immediate intervention prevents these problems from escalating and sets the foundation for a lifetime of good habits. Behavioral training transforms issues like anxiety, aggression, and excessive barking into manageable and positive behaviors, leading to a happier, healthier, and more balanced pet. A well-behaved dog enhances the quality of life for your entire family, creating a safer and more harmonious home environment. Our expert trainers use techniques to ensure lasting results, making this a worthwhile commitment that will bring joy and peace to your household for years to come.

How we can help

We specialize in addressing a wide range of common behavior problems in dogs to help you enjoy a better relationship with your pet. Here are just some of the common issues we can help with:

  • Stress & Nervousness: Dogs may show signs of stress and nervousness through pacing, panting, or hiding, often due to unfamiliar environments or situations.

  • Anxiety: General anxiety can manifest as restlessness, trembling, or destructive behavior, usually triggered by changes in routine or environment.

  • Separation Anxiety: Dogs with separation anxiety exhibit distress when left alone, leading to behaviors like excessive barking, howling, or destructive actions.

  • Excessive Barking: Persistent barking can be a sign of boredom, anxiety, or a need for attention, disrupting the household and neighbors.

  • Chewing and Destructive Behavior: Redirecting your dog’s chewing to appropriate toys and preventing damage to your home and belongings.

  • House Training Issues: Assisting with proper house training techniques to ensure your dog understands where and when to relieve themselves.

  • Chewing and Destructive Behavior: Redirecting your dog’s chewing to appropriate toys and preventing damage to your home and belongings.

  • Fearfulness and Phobias: Helping dogs overcome fears and build confidence through gradual exposure and positive reinforcement.

Any and all nuisance behaviors that your dog is struggling with, we’ve seen and solved it all, and we can help. Give us a call!

What Your Dog Will Learn

Through our Behavioral Training Program, your dog will develop the skills and confidence needed to thrive in any environment. Our personalized approach ensures that each lesson is tailored to your dog's unique needs, making it a fast and effective solution for lasting behavioral improvement. Here’s what your dog will learn:

  • Stress Reduction: Techniques to remain calm in stressful situations, how to cope with new environments and unfamiliar people.

  • Anxiety Management & Confidence Building: Strategies to reduce general anxiety and build confidence. Coping mechanisms for dealing with changes in routine or environment.

  • Manners and Social Etiquette: Proper greeting behaviors without jumping on people. Respecting boundaries and following commands.

  • Energy Management: Channeling hyperactivity into positive behaviors. Learning to settle down and relax when needed.

  • An Improved Bond: Improve trust and reliance between you and your dog for a more peaceful household.

Here at Ancillary, all of our programs are taught by dog Aggression & Behavior experts. We are highly trained, specialised, and experienced in addressing all kinds of dog behavior issues. Our intensive training is designed to deliver impressive results fast, taught by our expert dog behaviorists. We train your dog, but we also give you the confidence and skills to ensure these behaviors last a lifetime. We’ve helped dozens of families across Colorado get the family dog of their dreams. We know how stressful a dog with behavior issues can be on a home and family, dont deal with it alone or give up on your dog before giving us a call!

Behavior & Aggression Experts

What makes Ancillary K9 different?

Personalized Approach

There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to dog training. All of our training is private, so we’ll work together to craft a personalised training plan for you and your dog. Our programs are expertly crafted to meet your dog’s unique goals and give you the family pet of your dreams.

Science-based Methods

All of our dog trainers are experienced professionals, highly trained in dog behavior and psychology. Our science-based approach is cutting edge and yields results. Dog training is our passion, and your success is our success!

Fast Results That Last

With the right work and comittment, we guarantee not only fast results but results that last. We work with you to build the trust between you and your dog, giving you the tools and knowledge to take the training you learn in class and apply it in the real world.

Why Choose Ancillary K9

  • Short-Term, Intensive Training
    Designed to deliver rapid, significant behavioral changes, most of our clients complete our program in as few as six to eight sessions.

  • Lifetime Training Assurance
    Should your dog ever regress from our obedience training, we will retrain them free of charge.

  • Hundreds of Happy Customers & Five Star Reviews
    Read our reviews and success stories here.

  • Personalized, Private Training Programs
    Private training is the best way to see fast and lasting results. Our programs are personlized to fit your dogs unique needs.

  • The Highest Standards in Dog Training
    All of our trainers have years of experience and several certifications.

  • We train your dog, but we also train you!
    We give you the confidence and skills to take what we learn in training and apply it in the real world.

  • A wide variety of training programs to fit all of your dogs needs
    See all of our programs here.

What people say about our Behavioral Dog Training Program

Dion is great.

He speaks in a way to get his point across with humor and common sense. He put me at ease from the start. I went at the training thinking not much more could be done for my female (one and a half year old Catahoula leopard dog). I am her third rescue as she is quite the handful. I know now why she was let go. She can jump a six foot chain link fence and run through the neighborhood like it's hers. She barks aggressively at other dogs, cats, birds, squirrels, thinks she's queen. After five sessions she has calmed down enough. I can hardly believe she was that wild girl a few months earlier. Simple commands that she would not do she now does automatically. It has been a short while with Dion and my girl has changed so much as I am so happy with Ancillary K9 I would highly recommend them to anyone.

Terry, Denver Colorado

“Dion is an incredible dog trainer!

The quality of our lives improved dramatically as a result of his teachings; and the outcomes? Simply Amazing!!! I moved to Denver from San Francisco to reunite with my ex-wife and inherited her two dogs. Their poor behavior was so disruptive that I questioned whether I could actually reconcile our relationship. My ex-wife tried several dogs trainers with no noticeable results. Feeling  hopeless; she just gave up. I was so desperate to help, I began to search for high quality dog trainers. After careful consideration I chose Ancillary K9, reading all the rave reviews gave me a sense that this was likely a good choice. I soon realized, that this was a GREAT choice with “jaw-dropping” results! By the end of 6 weeks they were blowing our minds!  Dion, has Mastered his craft, with skill and expertise. He helped me connect with these wonderful animals….AND let’s face it….Dion saved our marriage!”

Charles, Denver Colorado

Limited Time Offer!

Reserve a complimentary consultation, evaluation and temperament test for your dog! (A $199 Value)